Thursday, 3 September 2020

How a day, a month and a year is defined?


A Day is defined as the time taken by earth to complete one rotation around its axis.

Earth takes approximately 23 hour and 56 minutes to complete one rotation around its axis. So one day of earth is taken as 24 hours. 

Now let's see how much time planets in our solar system take to complete one rotation around its axis.


Generally a  Month is defined as time taken by MOON to complete one revolution around earth which is approximated to 30 days.


A Year is defined as the time taken by earth to complete one revolution around Sun.

Earth takes 365.242  days to complete one revolution around sun.

Every year is considered as 365 days and to adjust 0.242 day which is approximately equal to 0.25 day, in every fourth year one day is added which is called Leap Year.

This extra day is added to the month February, which becomes 29 days. 

see, how long it takes by the planets of our solar system to complete one revolution around sun (in earth days)

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